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Traveling with Spine Pain: Strategies for Comfortable Journeys and Sightseeing
Traveling with Spine Pain: Strategies for Comfortable Journeys and Sightseeing

Are you worried about back pain ruining your travel plans? With the right strategies, youcan enjoy comfortable travel and sightseeing. Here are some tips to help you manage spinepain as you explore new destinations.

Pre-Travel Preparation

Consult with your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your condition. Pack light andchoose luggage with wheels to avoid strain on your back.

Type of Luggage

Select an ergonomic bag that promotes good posture. Hard-shell suitcases with 360-degreewheels offer ease of movement, reducing the need for twisting that can aggravate spinepain.

How to Carry Your Luggage

Use proper lifting techniques: bend at the knees and keep the bag close to your body. Ifusing a backpack, ensure the weight is evenly distributed across both shoulders.

Choosing the Right Transportation

Opt for seats with extra legroom and priority boarding to minimize stress on your back.During long drives, take breaks to stretch and walk around.

Accommodation Considerations

Stay at places with supportive mattresses and request additional pillows if necessary.Choose locations close to major attractions to reduce commuting stress.

Sightseeing with Ease

Wear supportive shoes and consider using a walking stick or portable seat when queuing.Plan your itinerary with rest periods, and don't shy away from using mobility aids.

Staying Active

Engage in gentle stretching and mobility exercises to maintain flexibility. Swimming can bea soothing, low-impact activity for those with back pain.

Listen to Your Body

If you experience increased pain, take a break. It's better to enjoy a few sights pain-freethan to overdo it and risk further injury.

Don't let back pain dictate your travel plans. Contact us today to schedule a consultationand embark on the path to your next adventure.

AUTHOR: Dr. Brett Braly is a board-certified fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeonspecializing in spinal surgery. Dr. Braly is a leading advocate for minimally invasivetechniques in spine surgery. Dr. Braly is named among the top “20 under 40” best spinesurgeons by the North American Spine Society.

The Spine Clinic
The Spine Clinic of Oklahoma City
9800 Broadway Ext
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Dr. Braly: Suite 203